If your child has had a fever, diarrhea or vomiting, please keep them home for 24 hours after symptoms have subsided. If your child has an illness requiring antibiotics please allow your child 3 days of treatment before returning to class.
How do you deal with "misbehavior?"
We believe "misbehavior" or "misguided" behaviors go deeper than the outward act. Our job is to get to the root of the behavior. Using behavior management techniques mainly prevention and redirection as well as natural consequences depending on the age, we work with each child and family to ensure every child has an equal opportunity to build strong social emotional skills and community bonds. Because we are an enrichment program with the majority of students only attending once or twice a week that may not be enough consistency for social behaviors which need daily intervention. We will do our best in helping you with resources and/or finding the right community for your family.
Do you have drop in rates? Yes, please email [email protected] 48 hours in advanced
Does your curriculum consider state standards when teaching core subjects?
Yes! All classes will meet Common Core California State Standards and Next Generation Science Standards. CCS and NGSS.
Do you teach the 3Rs....Reading, Writing and Arithmetics?
Yes! Our enrichment classes is a supplement to your homeschool curriculum. When planning explorations we intentionally craft activities which line up with the CCS and NGSS standards while remaining child-led. Some activities will be a bit more traditional and may produce a product ie reflections writing prompt, others will not ie using pinecones during a nature walk to teach addition.
Do you take Charter Funds? Freedom Academy.
Pacific Coast Academy
Cabrillo Point Academy
Request us as a vendor and we will be more than happy to apply.
Is your Program Faith-Based?
No. Kids Korner Explorers offers classes which are meant to supplement your homeschool journey. We do not teach religion, politics or sexuality.
Do you offer Scholarships or a Sliding Scale?
Kids Korner Explorers is currently working on obtaining grant money and donations so we can begin to fully sponsor students. Currently, a sliding scale is available for those who need it. Please email kidskornerexploers@gmail,com for more information.